Let's Make Crossword

Hello readers, in this section I would like to explain you how to make "CROSSWORD".

What are Crosswords???
Crosswords or crossword puzzles are most popular word game in the world. The first crosswords appeared in England during the 19th century. They were a far cry from what appears today in US newspapers, derived from word squares, groups of words that can be read across or down. (http://puzzles.about.com/od/crosswords/p/crosswords.htm)

What is the function ?
1. We can get new information from its hints.
2. We learn about new vocabularies.
3. And many others.

Okay guys, let's do how to make crossword....

Jreng.... jreng..... jreng....

1. First step open http://www.toolsforeducators.com/crossword/ in your browser.

2. There are 2 kind of hints in crossword, using word as hints or using picture. Firstly, we learn how to make crossword using words/text as its hints. After we open the address above, Click "Text hints".

3. There are 20 hints colomn and 20 colomn for the answer. Fill the hints colomn with your clues as creative as you can. Don't forget to fill the answer beside the hint colomn. You may fill all of the colomn or less than 20.

4. Don't forget to choose the format font by clicking the font that you want.If you want to put wordsearch on your resuts, click "Include wordsearch puzzle".  And the last click "Get Crossword".

5. This is the result

6. Okay, Good job readers, you do the right steps. And now let's make crossword with images as the hints. Back to the first step, open http://www.toolsforeducators.com/ . 

  7. There are many kinds of topic under "crossword with images as hints". Click one of them that you want to. For example, we want to use Countries images,so click "countries" like the picture below.

8. There are 15 image colomn, 15 hint colomn, and 15 answer colomn. Choose one of the image in image colomn. Fill the hints in hint colomn, make as creative as you can. And Fill the answer, make sure the image colomn and the answer have the same word.

9. Don't forget to choose the format font by clicking the font that you want.If you want to put wordsearch on your resuts, click "Include wordsearch puzzle".  And the last click "Get Crossword".

10. This is your result.

The answer of your crossword.

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